We're Going to Vegas!

On October 5th, 6th and 7th, Jason Martin Presents is the title sponsor for the Bestie Weekend Getaway in Las Vegas. The event is focused on providing moms and women a respite and to focus on themselves.
I’ve been asked more than once, why I (obviously not a woman or a mom) would be sponsoring an event focused entirely on women. It’s a fair question. Interestingly, it was a decision that only took seconds to make.
I was raised and educated by many incredible women. Some of those women lead conventional lives; others tended to cross the boundaries and stand out in various ways. I am hugely grateful for their contributions to my life. Spending as much time as I did with them, I developed an appreciation for several things.
They are often the smartest people in the room, and I prize intelligence.
They find ways to accomplish as much as they can within a system that is stacked against them.
They utilize diverse, and often under-appreciated, talents to advocate for themselves and their impact on the world.
They offer a more thoughtful balance to the traditional male approach.
Organizations with women in leadership perform better.
As an optimizer of talent and a fan of women, that these truths remain nearly unrecognized offends me and motivates my drive to make a difference. I can think of no better way to do this than by assisting in their effort to create a voice, implement a strategy, and maximize their contribution.
Not incidentally, my partner and co-founder in Jason Martin Presents (Nicole Leavitt) is both a woman and a mom. We’ve built our business around our passion for helping people find their ideal place in the workplace, contribute their best work, and be fulfilled in the process.
Any group that is institutionally undervalued can doubt itself, hold back, or worst of all, choose not to participate at all. That’s not acceptable. So, offering my support to this event was a no-brainer.
Check out the Bestie Weekend Getaway here: https://www.honestbirthtalk.com/register.