Do You Need a Career Reboot?
Work isn’t always roses. Sometimes, we really do need to just suck it up, focus, and finish whatever unpleasant task is in front of us. But
Do You Create Leaders?
The question is often debated as to whether we can teach and train people to be leaders. It’s a silly question. Of course, we can.
Are You Blindly Loyal?
Loyalty is important to us. When we perceive someone to be loyal, we believe they have our best interests at heart, and we decide to trust t
Do You Treat “Lead” as a Four-letter Word?
I had a coffee last week with Karl Bimshas, a leadership coach and advisor. He has noticed that some of his clients have a negative reaction
What's #Working@Work?
We’re looking for people who inspire, engage, and help people stay relevant in the workplace. These could be corporate leaders, a small busi
I'm Shortening My Journey. Are You?
I started a new 30-year career plan this year. For the first 10 years, my focus is to be an author, speaker, coach, and trainer. When can I