Are You Blindly Loyal?
Loyalty is important to us. When we perceive someone to be loyal, we believe they have our best interests at heart, and we decide to trust t
Do You Treat “Lead” as a Four-letter Word?
I had a coffee last week with Karl Bimshas, a leadership coach and advisor. He has noticed that some of his clients have a negative reaction
What's #Working@Work?
We’re looking for people who inspire, engage, and help people stay relevant in the workplace. These could be corporate leaders, a small busi
I'm Shortening My Journey. Are You?
I started a new 30-year career plan this year. For the first 10 years, my focus is to be an author, speaker, coach, and trainer. When can I
You Are Killing Innovation, and You Haven't Even Trained Them Yet
What are the 6 signs your environment won't desing a remarkable training or development experience and could be strangling innovation?
What Do You Rock?
I’m mostly forehead and chin...and scalp. I can deny or argue this unflattering picture, or I can embrace it. I don’t know if you’ve noticed